Part 7 – Willy Nilly and Thumper



The Adventures of Willy Nilly & Thumper, Book One: The Treasures of Mount Methuselah

The Adventures of Willy Nilly & Thumper - Book Two: The Hermit’s Last Hairs

    The Midland County Centennial Library in Texas USA broke all attendance records for author-related events with the release of the first two Willy Nilly and Thumper books, by Jim Henry with Jimmy Patterson and illustrated by Marjorie van Heerden. Attendance for the day totalled 2,229, far exceeding the library’s average of 750 visitors on a Saturday during that time of year.

Quote from a local newspaper:  The "Willy Nilly and Thumper" book launch party featured workshops, storytelling and giveaways for families on Saturday, May 14, 2016 at the Midland County Public Library Centennial Branch. Midland locals Jimmy Patterson and Jim Henry authored the book, which was illustrated by Marjorie Van Heerden. The event included book signings, readings, face painting, balloon animals, hot dogs, and complementary book bags for the first 300 guests. Lines stretched through the library with patrons waiting as long as 90 minutes for book signing.

    This Saturday launch day at the library was one of many events, parties and other activities, related to the Willy Nilly & Thumper books, which took place during the week that Marjorie spent in Midland as Jim Henry's guest.


Jimmy Paterson, Simone Kaplan, Marjorie, Jim Henry & his wife.
Jim Henry and Marjorie
Jim Henry


 Marjorie & Simone Kaplan.    
Book signing - Jim Henry, Marjorie and Jimmy Patterson.
The launch of the Willy Nilly & Thumper books at the Midland’s Library.

    In the second half of the year, after the launch of the Willy Nilly & Thumper Books One and Two, Marjorie started illustrating the next two books in the series. 

The Adventures of Willy Nilly & Thumper (Book Three): 
Stella Star

Stella Star was published on the 5th of December 2016. 


The Adventures of Willy Nilly & Thumper (Book Four): 
Charlie, the Cross-Eyed Crocodile

Charlie, the Cross-Eyed Crocodile was published early in 2017.

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